Friday, September 6, 2013

Go Pokes!

Last Saturday we went to the UW college football game. 

We all dressed up in brown and gold and sat by our friends Andrew and Mary. 

Connor was pretty excited. 

Right before halftime it started to rain and because of the lightning they had to postpone the game. 

So we went to Taco Bell to wait out the storm. 

Once it stopped raining we walked back to the stadium. Carson fell asleep. 

The Pokes beat Idaho. It was a great day! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Connoisseur of Poop

 After becoming a mother I have noticed something very disturbing.
I am a connoisseur of poop.
I have to know the color, texture, size, shape, and overall essence of the specific fecal matter at hand.
A typical conversation in our household:
Lucas-"I changed Carson's diaper".
Me-"Was it poopy?"
Me-"What color was it"
Lucas-"um. . . yellowish"
Me-"Was there a lot?"
Me-"Was it runny or like little deer turds?"
Lucas-"In-between I guess."
And so on and so forth.
Why am I so interested in my child's poop? Because I am a mother. Poop tells us everything. If we are sick, our poop tells us. If we are constipated, the lack of poop tells us. Too much poop can lead to dehydration. So even though it's disgusting, knowing everything about my child's bowl movements makes me an excellent mom. Hopefully some day my children will be able to read their own poop so I know longer have to, but until then I am stuck with this odd obsession.

Lions, tigers, and puke. Oh My!

The other day we went to the mountains to go hiking/fishing. Anyways, I quickly realized how hard it is to go on any kind of outdoor excursions with a dog, 6 month and 2 year old.

First, there's the car ride. My 6 month old, Carson, slept the whole way but my 2 year old, Connor, decided to be a little more active. Whenever we go on any car ride that is longer than 30 minutes he starts a "let's get on mom's last nerve", routine. First it starts out with him yelling for his sippy cup. I give it to him. Not impressed, he then yells for his snack box. When that doesn't suffice he calls for his Cow and Puppy (two favorite stuffed animals he can't go anywhere without). So after all of this he is sitting there, stuffed in his car seat with his sippy, snacks, and puppy/cow. It is a little packed as you can imagine, but then he decides he is bored. So he throws his sippy on the floor of the back seat, and then immediately starts yelling for me to pick it up. I do so. Then he does it again. I pick it up again. The third time he does it, I tell him if he throws it one more time I am not picking it up. Of course, he throws it again. So I do nothing. Then the screaming starts. This isn't just any screaming, this is high pitched, blow your ear drums type screaming. I try sticking to my guns.  Then he get's the idea to throw his other stuff on the floor, thinking that it will help the situation. It just leads to more screaming. Then he takes off his shoes and throws them at me. I yell at him. And then he says please in the cutest little voice you have ever heard. So I pick up all his things, and put his shoes back on. To my dismay. The cycle starts all over again.
We get to look out point. It is a beautiful little place outside of centennial, Wyoming. It has a trail that leads to a lookout post where you can look through binoculars and see the landscape. Well, we get the kids and dog out of the car and follow the trail. We were only there for about 2 minutes before we started to get bored so we start heading back. We are on the trail when our dog, Marcy, decides to squat. Ewe. Well me being so very prepared for anything realized I was not prepared for this. We had no doggy bags, so we just left it there steaming on the trail for everyone to look at. Kind of it's own little landmark, in a way. Of course we got dirty looks from everyone, but what can you do.
We then get to the lake. We take out our food at the picnic tables and start eating. Connor decides to lean back and falls head-first off the picnic table. Good thing that kid has a thick skull. Then we start walking to the lake. This is an endeavor in itself because
1. Humungo carseat with baby to carry
2. Little toddler to hold hands with
3. Dog who pulls with all her might on leash
4. Diaper Bag
5. Fishing gear
and finally
6. Huge steep, slippery hill to slide on our butts down
Get the picture?
So we get down the hill without dying achievement. Then we let Marcy off her leash and let her run around the lake. It was almost peaceful for a minute. The kids were happy and all was well.
Then it happened.
Marcy decides to start puking. Not just once, but everywhere. Like more than ten times in 15 minutes. She kept eating grass, which just made her puke grass flavored. Then after puking for nearly an hour she decides to lay down and relax. Connor of course didn't like this and started jumping on her. Poor dog. Well then the kids started getting fussy so we packed it up.

Walked back to the car.(We actually found an easier way to get back to the car then the freakishly steep hill). We get in the car and I realize my camera is missing. Who had it last?
At the lake.
So Lucas, my husband, has to run back down and retrieve the camera from the wildlife.
Then on the way back home I get car sick. yay
But, despite all that went wrong I had a great day. I am definitely a mother if that could be a great day for me. I would do it all over again, and the sky when we were leaving was beautiful. I like to think it looked that amazing just for us, to end our day with a bang.